Asirbhavan PDDM Holistic Health Care situated at

Bannerghatta, 35km from Bangalore City and 6km from  Bannerghatta circle, close to  National Park.

 Every human being has four components. They are as follows;

  1. BODY – PHYSIC : Physical health is defined as the condition of one’s body, taking into consideration of everything from the absence of diseases to fitness level. Physical health is important for overall well-being and can be affected by: life style, diet, behavior, physical activities, relationship, and adaptability in various circumstances of life etc.
  1. EMOTION – FEELING: is defined as the ability to understand and experience one’s feelings that take place within one self. The ability to acknowledge our feelings of anger, fear, sadness, guilt, stress, etc. and share hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our emotional wellness.
  2. MIND – SUM TOTAL OF THOUGHTS: the mind is sum total of our thoughts. It manifests as perceptions, imaginations, determination, analysis, reasoning, memory storage and retrieval, etc.
  3. SPIRIT – SOUL OR CONSCIOUSNESS: is defined as one’s divine nature. It is the centre of every individual. It holds the other components namely body, emotion and mind together as one unit and allows them to interact with one another. It is the spirit or soul or consciousness that keeps the relationship with the Ultimate Divinity. This realm of wellness lets us find meaning in life events and define the purpose in each one’s life.

Disintegration of any one of these components may lead to physical diseases, emotional problems, mental disorders as well as spiritual problems and crisis. This is because of the fact that, these components are intimately interacting with one another.  For instance, if anything happens to your body, say an accident or some physical illness immediately your negative emotions increase very quickly in your mind as a result your mind gets disturbed and may lead to some emotional problems or mental disorders, for example, post traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder etc. Similarly if the mind is affected by the psychological events which have higher intensity negative emotions may lead to physical diseases, for example psychosomatic diseases like cancer, essential hypertension etc.

Likewise, the soul can be afflicted with pain of loneliness and suffering if the relationship with ULTIMATE REALITY becomes weak and sterile. Life seems to be empty and meaningless which may lead to spiritual problems or crisis. For example lack interests in religious or spiritual practices.

 According to WHO Holism means “to have a sound Body, a sound Emotion, a sound Mind and a sound Spirit or Soul or consciousness”. We humans have a longing for good health, prosperity, as well as for spiritual fulfilment. We also wish to have uninterrupted peace and happiness in our lives. Many of us try to attain it through different means or methods, and few may succeed. Here we offer you drugless complementary medicine, a proven method or a system of practice to achieve the above goals. 

It is made possible through making our Body, Emotion, Mind & Spirit Healthy and maintaining it under every circumstance of our lives whether it is very stressful & painful, or terribly depressing & defeating.

Complementary Medicine can offer wholeness for both categories of people, sick as well as healthy. Sick becomes healthy & healthy attains self-actualization. To experience wholeness one should be physically, emotionally and mentally healthy.  This condition is prerequisite for the one who seeks to have a healthy Spirit.   


Asirbhavan PDDM Holistic Health Care situated at
Bannerghatta, 35km from Bangalore City and 6km from  Bunnerghatta circle,
close to  National Park.

PDDM Holistic Health Care
Shylendar Doddi, Kagalipura Road,
Bannerghatta post  Bengaluru – 560083  Karnataka State,

Chief consultant :
Sr. Dr. Theresa Mary Sinduraj PDDM
MD.Acu. Ph.D. Acu. SJT. SJP. Director

Contact No: 9741266918, 8549836616, 9686530498.
EMAIL ID :[email protected]

Distance from Bangalore Airport to Asirbhavan PDDM Holistic Health Care is about 63 km. By taxi it may take approximately 2 hrs.
Bus route to Bannerghatta  Circle
From Shivajinagar – Bus  No. 368
Railway station –  Bus No. 365
City Market – Bus No.367, 372, (371 direct to Shylendara doddi Bus stop)
Brigade Road – Bus No. G4

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